When You've Gone

Family Trust and Living Trust Free Information - Cheryl Baker
Family Asset Trusts and Wills - Free information pack I want to make sure the people I love are looked after when I'm no longer there to look after them myself. That's why I chose The Will Associates.
Cheryl Baker
TV Presenter and Eurovision Winner

Everybody would like to think that when they have gone they will be missed. That their life will have impacted those remaining enough that tears will be shed and memories stirred.

What they don't anticipate is that those memories may be tinted with the bitter disappointment that they did not care enough to execute a Will and provide considered estate planning thereby lessening the burden at a time when they should be grieving.

Quite often people believe that their estate will easily be passed to their spouse or children and that having a Will is unnecessary unless you have a lot of money or a wider family. This is not the case and the provision of a Will gives those remaining an insight into your intentions giving clarity and most importantly giving their Executors and Trustees the authority and guidance to carry out their wishes.

The statutory provisions under intestacy (if you die without a Will) are often not satisfactory and can lead to distant family members inheriting when this was never intended.

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Making a Will can be a very simple task and our Consultants are trained to make the process as easy as possible with the ability to provide advice on the most unusual circumstances.

The role of an Executor or Administrator is an onerous one and even those who have carried out the task before are reluctant to undertake it again. We offer a Professional Executorship service that will relieve your loved ones of the time consuming and often frustrating requirements of estate administration.

We can undertake as much or as little as you would like and can work alongside your family to ensure that all of the legal requirements are dealt with in a timely and efficient manner with as little stress and disruption as possible.

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Death is a subject that most of us would rather not talk about but quite often we have strong feelings about what should happen to our bodies or how our funeral should be handled.

We can take instructions for your funeral and assist you in preparing a detailed Memorandum of Wishes setting out your requirements. Often this prompts discussion within the family enabling wishes to be expressed.

Donation of body parts for medical research or transplantation is often a difficult subject to raise with family but it is important that these wishes are expressed prior to anything happening as often it is too late when the Will is read a few weeks later. It is always recommended that the Memorandum of Wishes is made known to the family in advance or at the very least kept in an envelope at home where the family know to look when the time comes.

Estate planning can seem like a daunting task but often once completed it is quite liberating with the peace of mind that you have done everything you can to make sure that those memories of you are not tinged with regret and disappointment but instead remind those left behind that you loved them enough to take care of these matters and make your passing a little bit easier for them.

We are here to help you every step of the way. Our team of trained Consultants can talk you through the issues and help you find the right solution for your needs.

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